Self-Esteem Detriment
One of the most valuable assets you can have is a positive self-image or strong self-esteem. As we grow from childhood to adulthood, our self-esteem grows. Our self-esteem is shaped by the love and acceptance we receive from our parents, family members, and friends. It is related to how efficient and successful we perceive ourselves to be.
When things are going well, it is simpler to feel good
about oneself. When things go wrong, you typically lose
some of your self-confidence and start to doubt
Whether this is your first experience with
adversity or you have been there before, you may feel a
sense of loss that stretches far beyond the loss of your
money. Work contributes to your sense of self. It helps
to identify who you are and integrates you into a bigger
group. Working gives you a sense of belonging and
importance since you have something to contribute.
Losing a job or a portion of your money is similar to
losing a piece of yourself in many respects. Your way of
life abruptly alters. Schedules and habits that used to
control a major portion of your time are no longer
present. You lose touch with your network of coworkers
and friends.
Many unemployed people report experiencing grief
and mourning as a result of their job loss. This grief
is marked by stages of denial, rage, despair, and,
finally, acceptance. Most people eventually figure out
how to deal with their emotions with the aid of those
around them. They make adjustments to assist them to
recover from and put their loss into perspective. Others
may find it more difficult to cope and may seek expert