Tips on Overcoming Fear and Living Your Life
- Allow yourself 2-3 minutes at a time to sit with your fear. Breathe with it and tell yourself, "It's okay. It feels terrible, but emotions are like the ocean—the waves come and go." Plan something nurturing to do right after your 2-3 minute sitting session is over: Call a good friend who is waiting to hear from you, and engage in an activity you know is fun and absorbing.
- Make a list of the things you're thankful for. When you're feeling down, read the list.
- Remind yourself that your worry is a treasure trove of knowledge. Write in a letter "Dear Anxiety, I am no longer afraid of you. "What do you think you can teach me?"
- Exercise can help you refocus (your mind can only focus on one thing at a time). Exercise is excellent for you and will centre you and help you feel more capable, whether you go for a simple stroll, travel to a boxing gym for an all-out sweat session, or switch on a 15-minute yoga video at home.
Being kind to yourself is perhaps the most important coping strategy.