Define your don'ts
Distractions abound in today's workplaces. Some things, like reading through your Facebook timeline or going to the cafeteria whenever you feel like conversing, you're well aware that they're stealing your productivity. Even so, we frequently underestimate how much time we spend on them.
Then there are the activities you're not even aware are interfering with your flow, which may appear constructive at first sight (e.g., checking your emails) or occur more unconsciously (e.g. jumping back and forth between open tabs)
"The reason is simple: What you don’t do determines what you can do." Tim Ferris
Instead of focusing just on what you want to do, consider the process in reverse while creating your personal growth plan. Create a 'not-to-do list' to keep track of what you don't want to do. As an example:
- Have an excessive number of tabs open.
- Check social media many times per day.
- Have Slack notifications on.
- Leave the cell phone at my desk.
- Check and respond to emails as soon as they arrive.