You don't need to be motivated if you're smart.
People frequently believe that intelligence guarantees success, yet experts have consistently discovered that IQ is not always a predictor of achievement. In Lewis Terman's famous longitudinal study of talented children, some of the most bright individuals went on to lead extremely ordinary lives devoid of notable accomplishments. You may be intelligent, but that doesn't mean motivation won't play a factor in your success.
When you're motivated, you want to make a change in your life. As it drives you to your target because you want to change. Motivation aids in the clarification of your objective so that you know exactly what you're working towards.
Every path to achievement will include a setback. There is no such thing as a dream path to follow in order to achieve your goals. Setbacks will make you question whether your goal is worthwhile, but motivation will kick in and give you the courage and strength to try again.