Failures and errors are disasters that will destroy my trust
This myth is a calamity in and of itself. When you believe that your failures and blunders "prove" your inability to do the job, you are more inclined to refuse new challenges and remain in a restricted comfort zone. Numerous studies by psychologist Carol Dweck and others show that people with a "fixed mindset," or the belief that intelligence, skills, and talent cannot be modified, are less likely to take risks and learn new things than those with a "growth mindset," or the belief that intelligence, skills, and talents can be developed through education, practise, and persistence.
A more beneficial perspective would be to tell oneself, "Failures and mistakes are part of learning, not calamities." Everyone makes errors. Whether I succeed or fail, I can persevere, learn from my mistakes, and grow." "It's OK to say, 'I don't know,'" we might also remind ourselves.