I shall become a selfish narcissist if I get overconfident
If you're concerned about this, I doubt you're in danger! In any case, taking pleasure in your abilities, skills, and contributions does not make you a self-centred jerk. A person with excessive narcissism, also known as a "malignant narcissist," can be manipulative, domineering, and even psychotic. However, as Dr. Craig Malkin points out in his intriguing book, Rethinking Narcissism, having too little narcissism may be harmful: "The less people feel exceptional, the more self-effacing they become until, at last, they have such a low sense of self that they feel useless and helpless."
According to Malkin, "many studies have demonstrated that persons who view themselves as better than average are happier, more sociable, and often more physically fit than their humbler friends."
Tell yourself, "The need to feel special is normal," "I am entitled to respect and recognition for my hard work and achievements," and "Talking about my accomplishments is not shameless self-promotion unless I overdo it!"