Confront Your Fears
“Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
Stop putting off tasks until you're more confident, such as asking someone out on a date or applying for a promotion. One of the most effective strategies to boost your confidence in these situations is to confront your anxieties head-on.
Face some of your worries related to a lack of self-confidence. If you're scared you'll disgrace yourself or make a mistake, go ahead and attempt it anyhow. Furthermore, a little self-doubt can aid in performance. Tell yourself it's simply a test to see what happens.
You could discover that being nervous or making a few mistakes isn't as horrible as you anticipated. And with each step forward, you grow greater self-assurance. Finally, this can help you avoid taking risks that will have serious negative implications.
Allow yourself 2-3 minutes at a time to sit with your fear. Breathe with it and tell yourself, "It's okay. It feels terrible, but emotions are like the ocean—the waves come and go." Plan something nurturing to do right after your 2-3 minute sitting session is over: Call a good friend who is waiting to hear from you; engage in an activity you know is fun and absorbing.
When we're scared, we tend to withdraw ourselves or have a lot of thoughts running through our heads, such as
"What if I make a mistake?", What if I don't make it? In short, we begin to believe that we can't succeed
and that we're worthless - this is how fears hold us back.
Adopting a development mindset is one of the most effective ways to overcome fear and anxiety. It is not
about reaching your objectives and being perfect every step of the way. Nobody is ever perfect all of the time,
so quit aiming for it. It's about accepting what you don't know and moving forward anyway – this is the core of
a growth attitude.