How to stop Overthinking?
Someone beautifully described life by a quote that says
This article is all about how this quote is related to each one’s life, how it will help us change the perspective of life, and how we can still start with a fresh new beginning. But, have we identified what makes us live with an unsecured, suspicious, and toxic mentality?
Let me help you with it, it’s nothing but a worm that lives inside your brain rent-free, called Overthinking.
Yes, it’s absolutely the truth. We usually don’t consider Mental health problems much important and that is where we stimulate mental illness. Neglecting small anxiety problems, sometimes nausea, depression, lack of confidence is not the solution to overcome these. We need to stop drawing a line between our mental health problem, and society.
Although, overthinking is completely normal in every human being. We usually find ourselves thinking about our future opportunities, our difficulties, some past events, and so on, but exaggerating the same things by adding up entirely new and unknown phenomena which haven’t occurred, will possibly never appear could be harmful to yourself.
However, you don’t have to visit a therapist to overcome your problem, you can also do it by yourself with a will to change the existence of your life. Here are few ways to stop oneself from overthinking and live happily.
1. Journaling Yourself
The first most thing that will help you to stop thinking is journaling. Journaling, or writing down things you do daily, what you felt about it, how you handled it and what are you planning next?. These things keep you stay in reality and remind you that the particular event has already occurred. Journaling not only keeps you stay focused but also helps you write more, create new goals and strategies to accomplish them.
2. Interacting with Others
The next thing you must try doing is discussing your problems or good events with someone. Make sure to speak and reach out to people. Keeping things buried inside your brain will distance you from the world outside and you might suffer extreme hallucinations and anxiety attacks. Communicating, taking part in conversations will help you stay connected.
3. Live in the moment
The next and the most crucial thing to do is stay busy with your chores. Identify your hobby, it might be painting, sketching, reading, writing, cycling, or anything, take some time to do something that you like and enjoy doing. Keep your house clean, make your bed every night and morning. When you are surrounded by the mess, your thoughts get messy, so keep your environment and your physical health clean.
Many of you’ll don’t know that a huge part of your physical health is responsible for poor mental health. Practising these small steps day by day will help you become a better version of yourself.
In the end, I would like to conclude that no disease cannot be cured. It is our will and motivation that gets ailed due to the lack of faith we show in ourselves. We usually decide to go with the flow and end up letting things control us. For once, try to take control in your hands and you will realize that nothing is impossible. Anything and everything will be alright with patience and a good motive.