an indecisive person

How to build self-confidence?

We live in a world where validation is all we seek and FOMO is all we feel. But where numbers have become more important than genuine compliments, do we really have the confidence in us to be ourselves? To not succumb to flashy trends and unrealistic expectations? Can we say NO to something we don’t want to do or politely refuse when someone pressurises us?

Confidence is an important personality trait that separates one from the crowd. It is the ability to do anything and everything we like without the fear of ‘what people will say.’ But people don’t become confident overnight. It takes conscious efforts to not let judgements get to us.

Here are three proven ways that help build self-confidence:

1. Slaying Your Fears:

One most important reason why people often seem under-confident is because they fear more than they feel. The fear that others will judge them for being themselves is what makes most people nod and agree. They hardly take the courage to stand up to something they disagree with. And that’s exactly where the problem lies. As humans we all tend to have flaws, but that is no reason to be fearful. Work on your fears. Be open about them. The moment you start owning your flaws and bother less about what others think, half of the problem is solved there.

2. Attitude Formation:

Confidence comes with the right attitude. Have you ever looked at a person and have their aura wow you? The way they think, talk, act, and behave? It’s all part of having a charming attitude. But this is a long but crucial process. It involves learning new ideas, unlearning redundant ones, being open to change, and taking criticism positively. When your attitude in life is right, come what may, you know what to do and how to react, and would definitely do it confidently.

3. Positive Mindset:

The ultimate step! It is easy to be heartbroken and hurt with the negativity that people throw at you. But it takes real courage to face it with a positive mindset. Being positive doesn’t only mean talking positively about people and things, it means to get up everyday and force yourself to believe that it is going to be a good day. To carry on despite the troubles that come your way, and to stand up tall when situations try to put you down. The strength you build inside you is actually confidence that people see outside you.

But no matter how much you read about building confidence, the truth is—Confidence cannot be read. Just like everything else in life, it comes through practice and effort.

And this is exactly what the Selfhatch Confidence Building Course is here to do. To take you through each phase, slowly and steadily, having you build the confidence you need through sessions personally tailored to suit you. And with this course, confidence is just a step away from being yours!